Experts are predicting this year’s flu season could be worse than the last two years—it’s important to pay attention to the dangers of seasonal influenza. The flu can be a serious illness for people of every age, and older adults are at highest risk of dangerous, even fatal, complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Read More
This summer, much of the country has been suffering under blistering heat. High temperatures are especially dangerous for older adults, and dehydration is one of the big factors when they experience heat-related illness. Yet even during cooler times of year, older adults are at risk of having a less than optimal level of fluid in Read More
This summer, smoke from wildfires in the western U.S. has traveled many miles, spreading over much of the country. Even people who live far away from the conflagrations are reporting eye discomfort. Ophthalmologists say that anyone can suffer eye irritation from this smoke, but it is especially bothersome for patients who have dry eye syndrome, Read More
Today nearly six million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and more than 16 million others are providing care for them. Most often, these caregivers are close relatives, and they often express concern about whether they, too, will experience memory loss as they grow older. They are right to consider this. Read More
According to an old belief, rainy days can bring a worsening of arthritis. Some people even claim they can predict rain when their joints ache. But is that true, or a myth? “The notion that certain symptoms and weather go hand in hand has persisted since antiquity,” noted a research team from Harvard Medical School. Read More
Fourth of July weekend is almost here. It’s time to think about protecting our skin from harmful rays that raise our risk of skin cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. Nearly five million people each year are treated for skin Read More
June 20 – 26 is World Continence Week. The Urology Foundation says this recognition week is to “highlight the impact urinary incontinence can have on our lives and encourage those living with incontinence to seek help so they no longer have to suffer in silence.” According to the foundation, half of all adults will experience Read More
Researchers from Newcastle University in the UK recently shared a startling statistic: Epidemiological studies show that untreated hearing loss is responsible for 10% of all cases of dementia. For some time, scientists have studied this connection. Research shows that certain underlying causes can cause both dementia and hearing loss. But in many cases, hearing loss Read More
May is Arthritis Awareness Month. Over 54 million people in the U.S. are living with arthritis, and with the aging of our population, that number will grow. Arthritis is the general term for a group of more than 100 conditions that affect the joints or the tissues around the joint. Osteoarthritis is the most common Read More
More than half of all older adults take dietary supplements. For the most part, these substances are not harmful. But there are several things older consumers should know: Supplements are largely unregulated, so there’s no real way to know what you’re buying, and whether it is safe. Supplements are not tested by the U.S. Food Read More